Enshrouded – How to Get Lump of Clay

In the atmospheric world of “Enshrouded,” obtaining resources like the Lump of Clay can be crucial for crafting and survival. If you’re seeking guidance on how to acquire a Lump of Clay in the game, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you gather this essential resource:

How to Get Lump of Clay in Enshrouded:

**1. *Identify Clay Deposits:*

  • Clay deposits can typically be found near bodies of water, such as rivers, ponds, or lakes. Look for areas with muddy or wet terrain, as these are prime locations for clay deposits.

**2. *Equip a Shovel:*

  • To extract a Lump of Clay, you’ll need to equip a shovel. Ensure that you have a shovel in your inventory before heading out to gather clay.

**3. *Locate Clay Mounds:*

  • Explore the game’s environment, paying attention to the terrain around water sources. Clay mounds or patches may appear visually distinct, often displaying a darker and wetter texture compared to the surrounding soil.

**4. *Interact with Clay Deposits:*

  • Once you’ve located a clay deposit, approach it and interact with the environment using your shovel. This action should yield a Lump of Clay that will be added to your inventory.

**5. *Crafting Considerations:*

  • Keep in mind that obtaining a Lump of Clay is just the first step. Depending on your crafting needs, you may use the clay in combination with other resources to create various items, tools, or structures within the game.

**6. *Inventory Management:*

  • Check your inventory to ensure that the Lump of Clay has been successfully collected. If you have limited inventory space, consider managing your items to make room for new resources.

**7. *Repeat the Process:*

  • To gather more clay, repeat the process by exploring different areas with water sources. Clay deposits may vary in size and frequency, so be thorough in your exploration to secure an ample supply.


  • Be Vigilant Near Water Sources: Focus your exploration near rivers, ponds, or lakes, as these areas are more likely to contain clay deposits.
  • Carry Multiple Shovels: Shovels can degrade over time, especially with extensive use. Carrying multiple shovels ensures you can continue gathering clay without interruptions.
  • Crafting Recipes: Familiarize yourself with crafting recipes that involve clay to optimize its use in creating useful items or structures.

By following these steps and tips, you should be well on your way to acquiring a Lump of Clay in “Enshrouded.” Remember to explore the game’s diverse environment and utilize your tools efficiently to gather resources for crafting and survival in this captivating world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Enshrouded: Lump of Clay

  1. What is the Lump of Clay used for in Enshrouded?
  • The Lump of Clay is a versatile resource used in crafting within Enshrouded. It serves as a fundamental material for creating various items, tools, or structures.
  1. Where can I find Clay Deposits in Enshrouded?
  • Look for Clay Deposits near bodies of water, such as rivers, ponds, or lakes. These deposits are often found in muddy or wet terrains.
  1. Do I need a specific tool to gather a Lump of Clay?
  • Yes, you will need a shovel to extract a Lump of Clay from the environment. Ensure that you have a shovel in your inventory before attempting to gather clay.
  1. How can I identify Clay Mounds or Patches in the game?
  • Clay mounds typically have a distinct visual appearance, often displaying a darker and wetter texture compared to the surrounding soil. Explore areas around water sources to locate these patches.
  1. What should I do if I’m not finding any Clay Deposits?
  • Explore different areas with water sources, and be vigilant near muddy or wet terrains. Clay deposits may vary in size and frequency, so thorough exploration is key.
  1. Can I gather multiple Lumps of Clay at once?
  • Yes, you can gather multiple Lumps of Clay by repeating the process of interacting with different clay deposits. Ensure that you have enough inventory space for the collected resources.
  1. Are there crafting recipes that involve Lump of Clay?
  • Yes, Lump of Clay is a crucial crafting material. Familiarize yourself with crafting recipes that involve clay to optimize its use in creating various items and structures.
  1. How do I manage my inventory efficiently when gathering resources?
  • Check your inventory regularly and consider managing items to make room for new resources. Drop unnecessary items or store them in a safe place if your inventory space is limited.
  1. Can shovels degrade over time, and how can I manage this?
  • Yes, shovels can degrade with extensive use. Carry multiple shovels to ensure you can continue gathering clay without interruptions. Keep an eye on the condition of your tools.
  1. What other resources complement Lump of Clay in crafting?
    • Depending on your crafting needs, Lump of Clay may be combined with other resources. Explore crafting recipes and experiment with different combinations to create useful items in Enshrouded.

These FAQs provide essential information about obtaining and using Lump of Clay in Enshrouded. Explore the game’s environment, utilize your tools wisely, and experiment with crafting to enhance your survival experience in this intriguing world.

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